Our group is
a chapter of the national
Interfaith Power &
Regeneration Project
The IPL & TRP campaign is an
interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between ecology and
faith. Our goal is to help people of faith recognize and fulfill their
responsibility for the stewardship of creation. Specifically, the IPL
campaign is mobilizing a national religious response to global warming while
promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation. People of
faith have an opportunity to put their faith into action and help reduce the
devastating effects of global warming.
Rev. Sally
Bingham, founder of InterFaith Power & Light, and The Regeneration Project
"We are an interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between
ecology and faith. Our goal is to help people of faith recognize and fulfill
their responsibility for the stewardship of creation. Specifically, the IPL
campaign is mobilizing a national religious response to global warming while
promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation. People of
faith have an opportunity to put their faith into action and help reduce the
devastating effects of global warming."
She also adds,
"Every mainstream religion has a mandate to care for creation. We were given
natural resources to sustain us, but we were also given the responsibility
to act as good stewards and preserve life for future generations."
is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's
scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe
that could send our entire
planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather,
floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have
ever experienced.
If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and doom -- think again. From
director Davis Guggenheim comes the Sundance Film Festival hit, AN
INCONVENIENT TRUTH, which offers a passionate and inspirational look at
one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its
tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. That man
is former Vice President Al Gore, who, in the wake of defeat in the 2000
election, re-set the course of his life to focus on a last-ditch, all-out
effort to help save the planet from irrevocable change. In this eye-opening
and poignant portrait of Gore and his "traveling global warming show," Gore
also proves himself to be one of the most misunderstood characters in modern
American public life.
Larry King called it
"One of the most important films ever."
Roger Ebert wrote, "In 39 years, I have never
written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to
yourself to see this film." Available on DVD November 21, 2006
from Paramount Home Entertainment.
Kilowatt Ours
Ours reveals the consequences of our coal powered economy. The film
opens with VP Dick Cheney's energy policy speech in which Cheney claims
America needs nearly 1900 new power plants in the next 20 years to meet
projected electricity demands. Mountain top removal mining, air pollution,
haze in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, methylmercury contamination of
newborns, childhood asthma and global warming ALL stem from the same root
cause. The most significant cause of each of these problems is our
dependence on coal-generated electricity in America. In other words, the
solution begins at our light switches and power strips. Today, more than 50%
of our nation's electricity is generated from coal. In the southeast U.S.,
where household electricity use is highest, this amounts to more than 12,000
pounds of coal burned per home per year.
Can You Create An
Energy Efficient Home? Along the way, Jeff and his wife Heather share a
plan to eliminate their use of coal and nuclear power at home by employing
energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Through
their learning experience, viewers discover how they can save hundreds of
dollars annually on energy bills, and use a portion of the savings to
purchase renewable energy.
The typical American home emits twice the annual
global warming emissions compared the typical car. So, if we can make our
buildings Net Zero buildings, the benefits to the environment and our
quality of life will be profound. Kilowatt Ours (and the Southern
Energy Conservation Initiative) is creating a network of homeowners and
renters dedicated to striving for Net-Zero energy usage in their homes and

Narrated by Keanu Reeves and Alanis Morrissette.
We are living at the
dawn of a new epoch. Year by year, degree by degree,
Earth is growing warmer... a legacy of the Industrial Revolution, population
growth, and our addiction to technology, speed and power. Just as other
generations spoke of a Great Plague and a Great Depression, our children
will be compelled to endure The Great Warming - and find a way to conquer
its consequences.
Filmed in eight countries on four continents, endorsed by dozens of the
world's leading scientists, this three-hour television series is the most
factually accurate, visually stunning and wide-ranging production ever
mounted about this complex, fascinating subject.
Human Being Is Part Of
Great Warming
Save your ticket
stub after seeing the film! Why? Because your ticket stub entitles you
to a free $250 value, no-obligation Home Energy Review from the
film’s sponsor Krystal Planet. Details on the web.
CHATTANOOGA: You can help by contacting Regal Cinemas and letting
them know you want this film in Chattanooga. Every letter or email will help us get it into more cities.
Thanks, Karen Coshof
- producer
the Electric Car?
It was among
the fastest, most efficient production cars ever built. It ran on
electricity, produced no emissions and catapulted American technology to the
forefront of the automotive industry. The lucky few who drove it never
wanted to give it up. So why did General Motors crush its fleet of EV1
electric vehicles in the Arizona desert? WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC
CAR? chronicles the life and mysterious death of the GM EV1, examining
its cultural and economic ripple effects and how they reverberated through
the halls of government and big business.
The year is 1990. California is in a pollution crisis. Smog threatens public
health. Desperate for a solution, the California Air Resources Board (CARB)
targets the source of its problem: auto exhaust. Inspired by a recent
announcement from General Motors about an electric vehicle prototype, the
Zero Emissions Mandate (ZEV) is born. It required 2% of new vehicles sold in
California to be emission-free by 1998, 10% by 2003. It is the most radical
smog-fighting mandate since the catalytic converter.
With a jump on the competition thanks to its speed-record-breaking electric
concept car, GM launches its EV1 electric vehicle in 1996. It was a
revolutionary modern car, requiring no gas, no oil changes, no mufflers, and
rare brake maintenance (a billion-dollar industry unto itself). A typical
maintenance checkup for the EV1 consisted of replenishing the windshield
washer fluid and a tire rotation. Fast forward to 6 years later... The
fleet is gone. EV charging stations dot the California landscape like
tombstones, collecting dust and spider webs. How could this happen? Did
anyone bother to examine the evidence? Yes, in fact, someone did. And it was

"Our Changing Climate" is a full-colour,
wonderfully illustrated 24 page booklet about climate change, with chapters
about Earth's dynamic climate system, how and why climate changes, the
greenhouse effect, how climate models work and what the future holds.
Written by Dennis Hartmann from the University of Washington with the input
of a panel of scientific advisors, "Our Changing Climate" is suitable for
ages 13 up.
For your free copy,
send a request to
Welcome to the future!
After twelve years of research and development, Guy Negre has developed an
engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this
century. Its application to CAT vehicles gives them significant economical
and environmental advantages. With the incorporation of bi-energy
(compressed air + fuel) the CAT Vehicles have increased their driving range
to close to 2000 km with zero pollution in cities and considerably reduced
pollution outside urban areas.
As well, the application of
the MDI engine in other areas, outside the automotive sector, opens a
multitude of possibilities in nautical fields, co-generation, auxiliary
engines, electric generators groups, etc. Compressed air is a new viable
form of power that allows the accumulation and transport of energy. MDI is
very close to initiating the production of a series of engines and vehicles.
The company is financed by the sale of manufacturing licenses and patents
all over the world.
is a joint program of
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy
helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy
efficient products and practices.
Results are already adding
up. Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, saved enough energy in 2005
alone to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 23
million cars — all while saving $12 billion on their utility bills.
Energy efficient choices
can save families about a third on their energy bill with similar savings
of greenhouse gas emissions, without sacrificing features, style or
comfort. If looking for new household products, look for ones that have
earned the ENERGY STAR. If looking for a new home, look for one that has
earned the ENERGY STAR. EPA provides an innovative energy performance
rating system which businesses have already used for more than 26,000
buildings across the country. EPA also recognizes top performing buildings
with the ENERGY STAR.


Magazine Web:
is the international magazine for Cold Fusion and New Energy Technologies, a
bi-monthly of the non-profit New Energy Foundation (NEF). NEF publishes
Infinite Energy and also runs a testing laboratory, New Energy Research
Laboratory (NERL), to verify or reject claims of anomalous performance in
particular energy-producing devices brought to its attention. New Energy is
the term applied to new sources of energy that are currently not recognized
as feasible by the "scientific establishment," but for which overwhelming
and compelling evidence exists
Infinite Energy
Magazine, in publication since 1995, is a technical magazine with
editorial outreach to the general public as well. To maintain the highest
standards, it is written and edited by scientists, engineers, & expert
journalists. It is aimed at pioneering scientists, engineers,
industrialists, environmentalists, and investors who are concerned about an
exciting R&D area that we believe will change the world dramatically.
Infinite Energy is circulated to over 40 countries.
TN-IPL Links:

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE)
is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes responsible energy
choices that solve global warming problems and ensure clean, safe and
healthy communities throughout the SE.
The Secret
of NIKOLA TESLA, The Movie
DVD: or
Orson Welles as J.P. Morgan, a penetrating study of the life and mind of a
"scientific superman" who dedicated his life to designing and improving
technology for the service and advancement of humanity.
Long shrouded in secrecy,
Tesla's life is artfully illuminated in this fascinating film. Considered the father of our
modern technological age and one of the greatest scientific minds that ever
lived, Tesla changed the world with the invention of the AC (alternating
current) induction motor, making the universal transmission and distribution
of electricity possible. His achievements led to the discovery of radio and
television as well as the development of the first hydroelectric dam, remote
control, radar tracking and the manipulation of matter and energy.
His discoveries are the basis
for the emerging science of FREE ENERGY! The movie shows his theory of
energizing the earth's crust with safe, healthy energy was scrapped by J.P.
Morgan when he realized instead of huge fossil fuel profits, he'd be
left selling only antennas. Tesla said one of the
problems with continuing to use fossil fuels was that someday they would run
out while causing huge pollution problems. The
movie ends with L.A. covered in smog and we face the sobering questions
of what would the earth be like if Morgan had been a humanitarian, and can
we overcome corporate greed before it's too late?
Nikola Tesla
- the Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, and scientist.
Born on July 9/10 (midnight), 1856 in Smiljan, Lika (Austria-Hungary); Died
on January 7, 1943 in New York City, New York (USA) Tesla Inventions: a
telephone repeater, rotating magnetic field principle, polyphase
alternating-current system, induction motor, alternating-current power
transmission, Tesla coil transformer, wireless communication, radio,
fluorescent lights, and more than 700 other patents.
Climate Change/Global Warming Websites:
Interfaith Climate Change Network
provides ethical background and action steps -
Join the 526,362 supporters of the Stop
Global Warming Virtual March, and become part of the movement to demand
solutions to global warming now.
- Go Climate Neutral! Neutralize your
global warming impact at
Renewable Energy Businesses in the
United States and World by state and product type.
- Environmental Defense. Pollution,
especially from cars and from making electricity, is a major cause of global
warming. Find out how you can make a difference.
- helps pastors understand the diverse
ways to approach preaching we are stewards of God's earth.
- The Pew Center on Global Climate
Change. Click on "Businesses Leading the Way", and "What's Being Done."
- building an alliance of faith, political, environmental, business, and
international groups to produce the political will to protect our climate.
Green Companies Websites:
- the nation's only screened and approved
directory of green businesses.
Reduce your environmental
and energy usage:
go to and click on
doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
—Margaret Mead