Interfaith  Power & Light
Global Warming Task Force
   Chattanooga Chapter of Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light (TN-IPL)

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  Sandy Kurtz
Chattanooga-IPL and TN-IPL Programs
(including educational, faith, sermon outlines, special programs including screenings of films, etc).

        What is Creation Care?

        How can I be a better steward?

        How can I get my congregation involved?


Interfaith Power & Light can set up film screenings, and faith / educational programs that will help answer important questions. Contact: Rachel Matvy or


“An Inconvenient Truth.” This film been called a must see by Roger Ebert.  Though “An Inconvenient Truth” does not focus specifically on issues of faith, it is a scientifically accurate film that introduces the major concepts of global warming in a format that is easy to understand. 1 hour & 40 mins. 
Kilowatt Ours: A Plan to Re-Energize America
is a film that discusses the problems related to traditional energy production. It also proposes practical solutions that show viewers how they can save hundreds of dollars annually and use a portion of the savings to purchase renewable energy.  35 or 60 minutes.

Keeping the Earth: Religious and Scientific Perspectives on the Environment is an inspirational video with prominent religious leaders and scientists calling on Americans to protect our environment and the diverse species that share it. 27 minutes..

Lighten Up! A Religious Response to Global Warming helps explain the complex issue of global climate change and offers ideas on what each of us can do to help. 20 minutes.

God’s Creation and Global Warming is an important video that describes God’s call to be stewards of creation, the threat of global climate change and why this issue is so important to many people of faith. 12 minutes. 

Treasured Places: Southeast in Peril, Florida Version – 11 minutes;  North Carolina Version – 8 minutes.
Through personal stories and scientific evidence, these films demonstrate the current and potential effects of global warming on the southeast’s natural environment, tourism sector, and local residents.

Also showings possible for ABC Special: "End of Days" (2 hours; possible editing to 20 minutes with Global Warming segment) and Bill Moyer's "IS GOD GREEN?" (1 hour). These are two recent television specials that spotlight global warming.

Other Programs:

“An Inconvenient Truth.” The LIVE slide show. Al Gore trained 1000 people (two from Chattanooga) to give LIVE presentations of his slide show. This presentation can be given at any church, school, or meeting. Followed by Q & A with scientist trained by Al Gore and team.

"Preparing for a New Light: Caring for God’s Creation During Advent."
A study guide.  We can prepare the Earth - God’s Creation - for Christ’s coming, just as we prepare our homes and spirits. Exchange one incandescent light bulb for one energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) in your home for the five times you light an Advent Candle.

"One for Each Night: A Hanukkah Study Guide for a Brighter Future."  Celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah by installing a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) each night.  In the Hanukkah story, the small miracle of the oil that burned for eight days stands for the miracle of Judaism surviving from generation to generation.  In the same way, the small “miracle” of a CFL can stand for the greater miracle of changing our use of energy and other resources so that future generations may enjoy the blessings we do.
Educational programs led by TN-IPL Clergy Representative, Rev. Doug Hunt. From your fellowship dinner to your adult education classes, Rev. Hunt can provide information and lead discussions to fit a variety of programs at your church.  Suggestions of topics that might be of interest in your congregation: mountain top removal, global warming, mercury pollution and its affects on the unborn, childhood asthma.

These films and programs are excellent when followed by a discussion.


  Gene Hyde & June Coppinger:
Chattanooga Climate Pact
- Working with Chattanooga city government on ICLEI - to bring their carbon dioxide emissions to 7 percent below 1990. This also includes a Public Awareness & Education Campaign.
Note: GA IPL
has the idea of a trying to get Atlanta to do a "Lights Out", where city buildings would turn all their lights out at night. Atlanta's mayor has signed on to Cool Cities so we're trying to think of ways to help make this work more visible on a city-wide scale. 

  Bill Reynolds:
Church Initiative
- Creating Church packet that include Creation Care sermons and Bible references, DVD Kilowatt Ours. Making a link to individual churches and regional church leaders for presentations that might include Energy Audit. Could provide Presentations, and Film screenings, and could also address Recycling at churches. Might work with City PR for their Recycling Info Campaign: Al Waterhouse.


  Charlotte Davis:
- including BOOTH for Earth Day being held in April 2007 at Chattanooga Zoo. Other possible booths include Riverbend, and a special nationwide educational event that would be hosted at colleges and universities across America called:  Jan 2008 - program.

  Thomas Tripp & Sandy Fox:
Renewal Energy presentations - including solar and wind. Might also work with Gil of SACE (Southern Alliance for Clean Energy). Thomas and Gil presented a Wind Seminar (all day at Cleveland State, February 2007). Taking energy conservation ideas and energy efficient mortgage info to groups / churches / schools / businesses in area including the Realtor and Homebuilder Associations in the area 


  Roger Davis:
Getting Word Out (MEDIA) - Interviews with Jeff Styles, and at some point perhaps our own weekly podcast on Global Warming. Bringing conservation/recycling, clean energy, the science of global warming, our meetings when/where, and new ideas like "spray on power", and algae farms for bio-fuel to the media - in interviews, news segments, print media, etc. Might include Advertising, PSA's, and Letters To Editor campaign. Might also contact Video Stores/PBS to carry or show Kilowatt Ours, Tesla, Who Killed Electric Car, etc.

   Paul Hall (mortgage rep):
Energy Efficient Mortgages (EEMS)
- These are loans that figure in savings on solar, conservation and/or weatherproofing to allow your new home loan to cover your Energy Home Improvements. This topic includes: Energy Nuetral Homebuilding, Conservation, Zero Net homes, etc.
   Click here for more info:

EEMs and EIMs: Financing an Energy Home Improvement



  Wade Swicord:
National Energy Center - Come up with a basic idea of what a generator (Hub) of this nature would be. Develop the basic business plan and plan of action. Then do it! General Thoughts:  Establish a non-profit entity so that some people or companies could donate time, money, equipment or space.  Perhaps have a for profit group that would be over the whole affair and sell shares in some form.  Blog:

  Tami Freedman:
Algae To Bio-Fuel
- Algae may be our last best chance to reverse global warming. Algae converts CO2 to O2, some species are 50% oil, and converts easily to oil. Corn nets 80 gallons per acre per year. Soy nets 40. Algae brings in up to 15,000 gallons of bio-fuel per acre per year. Compare this also to Hydrogen (explosive and expensive) with zero net energy. For more info see:

Matthew Anderson (Enigma writer):
(Energy & Global Warming Task Force)
Matt has created our IPL-GWTFand Wade's Energy Group BLOGS for group discussion, posting of articles, and etc. Please contact Matt (click on his name, above) to be given permission to join blog and add and comment. Global Warming Task Force Blog:  and
Energy Blog:

SCHOOL INITIATIVE - Possible Education Programs taken to area schools that could include Film Screenings, Recycling education and program (including fundraising with recycling), and Compact Florescent (CFL) Fundraisers - WIN WIN WIN with children selling and educating people about CFLs, purchasers supporting schools and saving both money and environment, and schools raising money! Contact Lowes/Home Depot reduce pricing or donating CFL's.

Katy Hinman, Director GA-IPL
GRANTS for Churches to make Energy-Efficient Improvements -
Submit a proposal for a granting fund that we could administer to help congregations make energy-efficient improvements.  This is just at beginning phase.
Contact Legislators - this be a TN campaign for TN legislation or to contact Congressional Reps for a relevant campaign to help our environment. Might at some point reach out to churches to become involved. This is avenue that would be explored when the opportunity arose.

Reduce your environmental and energy usage:
go to and click on

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once,
but of stretching out to mend the part of the world
that is within our reach.
-- Clarissa Pinkola Estes


 Interfaith  Power & Light
Global Warming Task Force

   Chattanooga Chapter of Tennessee InterFaith Power & Light (TN-IPL)

Tennessee InterFaith Power & Light
Interfaith Power & Light     The Regeneration Project

SANDY KURTZ, Chattanooga Leader: 423.892.5237
JIM DEMING, TN Stewardship Coordinator:

We are a non-profit initiative that helps congregations work for a healthier creation
by reducing human actions that contribute to global warming. Join today and work for a better tomorrow!